Saturday, September 4, 2010

Second Post.

Today's subject:

Let me start out by applauding Carl on not getting the joke. Yes, Randall is drawing attention to middle-east peace talks, but that doesn't mean he's taking a specific side. He is, instead, saying that the whole argument is irrelevant, and he'd much rather avoid it (not that I speak for him). This is actually very obvious. You'll notice, for instance, that Head-set guy ends up siding with neither Left-of-screen guy by calling the area in question the state of Palestine nor Right-of-screen guy by calling it Israel. Instead (now follow close or you'll miss it) he literally avoids the area and moves the shuttle to Oklahoma. See what he did there?

Secondly, I'd like to say that at no point does Randall mention the fact that he worked for NASA. In fact, I can't remember any xkcd comic that points this out explicitly. I was actually unaware of this fact until you mentioned it in your post. Your argument that he's bragging is just a stupid stretch to make fun of a guy much smarter than you. Are you actually surprised that a guy that worked for NASA chose space exploration as the template to point out the triviality of arguing over the name of a tract of land? If you are, then you're a fucking idiot. But in my opinion, you don't actually believe your own shit. Instead, you just couldn't find enough wrong with this comic, and stretched as far as you could at anything that crossed your mind so you could make a rage post. What's that? The alt-text says something technical about the shuttle? Yes you're right, it does. That would be because Randall is a fucking nerd, and nerds point shit like that shit out.

Finally, your "ideas" about how the comics punch-line should be delivered hold a grain of truth. But the comic isn't fucking perfect, and never proclaims to be.

Fuck you, asshat.


  1. "But the comic isn't fucking perfect, and never proclaims to be."

    Interestingly, neither is xkcdsucks perfect, nor does it claim to be.

    Point being, meh.

  2. Yes! Of course!

    Thank you Ian. Thanks to you and Randall my eyes have been opened and I realise the entire Middle East crisis is just "arguing over the name of a tract of land". I used to think that there were other issues being debated too - like how the territories should be governed and by whom and who should be allowed to live there and where the Israeli Arabs fit into all this and who should repay who for the Six Day War and whether it's right for Israel to continue building settlements and so on - but I see that I was stupid then. My profound apologies.

    -A changed and humbled Ann Apolis, M.D.

  3. p.s. you know it should be "xkcdsucks sucks" and not "xkcdsuck sucks" right?

    just checkin'

  4. Have you ever had an xkcdsuck? It definitely sucks.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The name has been changed. Thanks for pointing that out. Feel free to point out any other typos.

  7. Dear Ann Apolis. You are a whore. If there had been a comic addressing all the nuances of this war you, as a Carl Crony, would have bashed it as not being funny. Also, I congratulate for you for taking the time to look all that information up on wikipedia.

  8. It is a little ironic that you would make fun of *looking things up on Wikipedia*. Never mind the fact that any mildly informed person would have been able to list some issues of the conflict without help; but on this post you say Randall is MUCH SMARTER than somebody you haven't met, while in fact there is evidence that a sizeable proportion of what Randall "knows" comes from Wikipedia.

    Why, then do we assume Randall is of above-average intelligence at all? Certainly not because of any great knowledge ever displayed, nor because of the university he attended (which would be dumb anyway), nor because of his career. I guess because he worked at NASA?

    Honestly, anyone who thinks "a stint at NASA/Google means you are smart" is thoroughly uninformed about the hiring practices of these places, especially for lower-ranking employees.

  9. Why do you legitimize xkcdsucks? Is it that you've figured out that Carl and Rob are the same person who is actually shilling for xkcd?

  10. Ian, it appears randall's influence has struck you deep-

    when confronted by a Strong Woman capable of Sustaining her own without the protection of a Smarter, Nicer man, your first reaction is to call her a 'whore'.

    I'm not mad.

    We can help you- but the first step is to realise that you have a problem, and recognise that women are not simple fleshy finger puppets to be cherished and cared for by alpha nerds.


  11. I'm not even a woman. I just like Maryland.

  12. I love it when people use "you're" instead of "your" in blog posts. It doesn't even show that you're being lazy, it shows that you're being inept or careless.

    In short, fix the first word of the third sentence of the third paragraph.

  13. Make that fourth sentence.

  14. You're is now your. Thank you for the fix.

  15. Why is Lord James named Ian? I'm confused.

    Also, how could this NASA thing be general knowledge if Randall hadn't said something about it (on a blog, in an interview, etc.), at some point? He certainly has bragged about and has managed to impress a bunch of morons. Seeing NASA mentioned re:Randall makes me rage. He worked there as a peon for maybe 6 months. That doesn't make him a rocket scientist. It's not an important part of his life. In addition to formerly working at NASA, Randall formerly was unable to speak in coherent sentences, cried a lot, and spent a lot of time sitting around in pants filled with his own poop. Better put that on his Wikipedia biography
